How To Use Kandesn Pure Cleansing Oil

Cleansing oils have become increasingly popular. I learned about this product about 4 years ago, but didn't implement it into my skincare routine until a year ago. It has absolutely changed the texture and clarity of my skin. 

Using a cleansing oil before your foaming cleanser (also known as double cleansing) helps to cleanse your skin of any oil based impurities. This helps to prevent acne and really give your pores a deep clean. 

My favorite cleansing oil is the one from the Kandesn Pure line. You can buy it with the gift set or buy it individually to add to your current cleansing routine. I love how silky smooth it feels on my skin. It doesn't strip my skin or dry my skin out. Kandesn Pure Cleansing Oil has the best ingredients and does not contain fragrances, preservatives, or harmful chemicals.

Here is how to use Kandesn Pure Cleansing Oil:

Step 1:

Lightly massage 3 pumps of Cleansing Oil onto face.

Step 2:

Dampen cleansing cloth with water and gently wipe Cleansing Oil away.

Step 3 (optional):

Repeat steps 1 and 2 if wearing heavy makeup.

Step 4:

Follow with Foaming Cleanser.

This cleansing oil is so gentle that I use it on my face twice a day. It has helped to keep my acne under control. My skin feels soft and isn't bumpy. This cleansing oil can be used for all skin types. It works well to help teens with their skin issues and also works well for mature skin to keep it supple and soft.

Want to see if Kandesn Pure Cleansing Oil works for you the way it has worked for me?

Buy Kandesn Pure Cleansing Oil HERE

Buy Sample Kandesn Pure set (includes Cleansing Oil, Beauty Water, and Gel Cream) HERE
