Finding Your Joy Working In The Salon

After you have spent so many years working behind the chair, things start to feel overwhelming. You maybe have more clients than you can handle. Maybe your body is starting to hurt, making it less enjoyable to stand all day or bend over the shampoo bowl. This doesn't mean that you have to just push through and deal with all these struggles.

After 15 years of working behind the chair, I found myself falling out of love with the industry. I was sick of the long hours. Tired of not being able to eat, drink water, or go to the bathroom. So I decided enough was enough! And I want to share what I have done with others.

Improving your work life doesn't happen overnight. It is a process. But if you start to implement these changes now, then you will begin to feel happier and over time you will see a huge difference in your outlook on work.

It starts with gaining control of your schedule. You don't have to fit every single client in, even if you don't have the availability. If your books are full and a client requests a last minute appointment you can offer them your next available or you can offer them a one time referral to someone who will do a great job, but isn't in the business of stealing clients. You might be surprised at how many will wait for your next appointment. What if you lose the client because of their impatience? Well, is that really a client you would want? You want loyal clients who plan ahead because they value your time and services. And trust me....there are plenty of clients out there who will check all those boxes.

Next, you need to support your health. If you are hungry, drained, dehydrated then you won't do your best work and you will feel worn out and unhappy. But I get it....we don't have a lot of time for ourselves at work. So here's what you have to do. Have a simple and easy way to fuel your body at the salon. Have a health program outside the salon that will pump you up so that you begin your work day on top. Regularly nourishing your body will give you sustained energy. ( I did a whole post on this HERE.)

Lastly, don't be afraid to remove the clients who don't promote a happy and stress free atmosphere in the salon. Not everyone is a good fit for us as stylists. We may not be able to match the same energy. And there is no shame in wanting to create an environment for you and your clients that is peaceful and positive.



The Holistic Hairstylist
