I wanted a business and keep my friends....

For me, earning a couple hundred extra dollars a month is huge. It may not sound very impressive. But for me, that was like having 1 or 2 extra clients a month. Except I didn't have to  do work that was taxing on my body.

With that extra cash, I am able to pay for the extras I need to feel better. To be a better stylist. When I don't have that stuff....I feel drained. I needed a way to fund my self care (like getting a massage every month) without burning out. That's what I wanted to spend my extra couple hundred on.

What about you? What would you do with an extra $200 month?

I have 10 reaching out methods that have helped me to be able to earn my $200 every month. They don't require sending out "hey girl" messages or badgering your friends and family until you get blocked.

When you join me in having an online business, like I do, I help you to have the same successes, that I do.

Sign up to have your very own online store HERE and I will reach out to help you the rest of the way.
