Massage Therapist Business Diversification

My sister Sunny has been a Licensed Massage Therapist for 18 years. She loves giving massages and she loves the income, but she found that she was unable to take on new clients. She worked part-time, but still felt the hard effects of massage on her body. Her wrists, hands, back, neck all would be in pain after a day of massages. She also would be wishing SHE was getting a massage rather that GIVING the massage. She knew she needed to do something that would increase her pay, without having to take on more clients and causing more pain to her body. 

Here's what she did. First, she realized she needed to work smarter not harder. That meant utilizing a special essential oil blend that would increase the benefits of the massage and increase the relaxation of the client. This essential oil also created an aromatherapy benefit for free. Clients appreciated being able have that special treatment without paying. Second, when the massage was over you want to help to eliminate all of the toxins that had been stirred up during the massage. Also, you want your client to be able to continue to feel relaxed, even though they are emerging from a spa atmosphere into the stressful world. She served them a special tea blend that targeted both of those areas. It was a mint herbal tea that cleanses your body of toxins, using your body's natural cleansing process. This tea also worked to take the nervous energy off, allowing them to extend the relaxation of their massage throughout the day.

So how do you use these two things to help to make you money? Do you already have a product line that you sell to your clients? Do you buy it at wholesale and sell it at retail? Well this works just like that. As your clients experience these items and love the way they make them feel, you offer for them to recreate this spa experience in their homes. You can buy the products at wholesale and sell them at retail right alongside whatever other items you offer as retail. You are adding to your income just by running your business as you normally would and creating a higher end experience with high end products. We also have 10 other reaching out methods to help you share the products with others (without getting all icky and salesy).

Does this sound like something you might want to know more about? I've got deets. Let's chat and see if this is a right fit for you.

Let's get in touch! 


