As a hairstylist, hair health and hair loss are two of the topics that come up on a daily basis. Hair health has a lot to do with your stylist's techniques, the hair products you use, and also how much heat you use on your hair. But something a lot of stylists may not touch on is how your hair health also comes from the inside out.
What is going on in your body can show itself in your hair. For instance, when you go through extremely stressful situations, you see hair loss. Afterwards, you will see tiny new hair growths popping up on your head. Amazingly enough, our bodies can recover from such things. It's important for us to work on our hair from the inside out. The by product will be feeling better, having a healthy glow, and having more energy.
Here's how Sunrider can help you improve your hair health. Start by applying the Nourish, Balance, Cleanse program:
1)NOURISHING your body with VitaShake , NuPlus or SunBars to fill in the nutritional gaps. This will promote hair growth. I know from experience. I eat VitaShake every day and noticed new hair growth around my hairline, my hair was growing at a fast rate, and my hair was healthy. Why? Because the VitaShake (or NuPlus or SunBars whatever I wanted to eat that day) help my body to accept the nutrition that it needed to be nourished and healthy.
2) BALANCE your bodies 5 systems with Quinary. I used these capsules to feed all 5 systems, bring them into balance, and help my systems to work better. Did you know that when one system is out of whack it pulls from another system? I want all 5 of my systems to be working in tip top shape and Quinary does just that. With your systems in balance, your hair can be at it's best!
3) CLEANSE your body with Calli Tea and Fortune Delight. This is an important step. We are around toxins every day. We can be overloaded with toxins and not even think about it. I try to reduce how many chemicals I am around by choosing clean foods and household products. But we cannot control the air quality and the foods we eat out, etc. These two teas make it possible for me to cleanse a little every day, using my bodies natural cleansing process. When the body’s toxicity level is high, it can hinder the production of good cells, as well as the ability for your cells to absorb nutrients. If your body isn’t benefiting from the nutrients you eat or supplements you take, your hair cells can’t thrive. The less toxins in your body, the better your hair will look.
Next, is SPIRULINA. This is a blue-green algae. A superfood. Here's a little bit about what it can do for your hair:
We can use spirulina for hair growth and vitality because spirulina is the natural way to strengthen hair and shine. Not only because it is a source of complete protein containing all the essential amino acids. It is also a good source of iron, which prevents hair loss resulting from its deficiency. When choosing a Spirulina supplement, make sure it is high quality. The way it is processed is very important. That's why I choose Sunrider. I know that it is the most concentrated for and is extremely high quality, so that I can get the most out of it.
These are just 4 ways we can improve the health of our hair from the inside out. Know someone who might be interested in seeing if this will work for them the way it's worked for me?
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